On 15th December at 5pm we have our Carols by Fairylight Service with Chiltern Primary School Choir! Its going to be a wonderfully Christmassy evening with plenty of carols, hot drinks and mince pies, and of course, a chance to see the wonderful Choir sing. So pop the date in your diary, we can't wait to see you there!
On 22nd December from 10am - 12pm we have our famous Live Nativity! There will be real animals from Farm2Ewe here, plus so much more! Including a treasure hunt, a games room, crafts, refreshments and more!
It's going to be an incredibly interactive morning, so make sure you bring the whole family along!
Why not kick off Christmas Day at a fun, relaxed service?! We will, of course, be celebrating the birth of Jesus, there will be carols and a chance for the kids (and adults...) to show everyone their favourite Christmas pressy! It starts at 10:30am on Christmas Day, we would love to see you here!